We have 8 varieties of apples waiting for you to sample and take home. For you Fuji fans, we should have those in a few weeks (yay!!).
- Jonadel
- Red Delicious
- Golden Delicious (mmm, applesauce!)
- Jonalicious
- Jonagold
- Spitzenburg (these were Thomas Jefferson's favorite!)
- Braeburn
- Pippin (apple pie anyone?)
- $15 for large pumpkins
- $9 for medium pumpkins
- $7 for small pumpkins
We are very excited about our new, exclusive partnership with California Bee Company to bring you local honey! Great for baking, sweetening tea, or enjoying on toast. Did you know local honey is helpful in fighting allergies and boosting the immune system? Get a head start on warding off those winter colds by taking some of our honey home to your loved ones. We are looking forward to a long and fruitful relationship with the California Bee Company so stay tuned for the latest buzz!
And last but never least, be sure to sample our cider when you bring your family to buy apples. We're sure you'll want to take home our convenient pint, quart, half gallon, or gallon containers of apple cider.
So, TGIF and see you this weekend at the Ranch!